Simple, fun, and SO cheap D.I.Y. chalkboard wallfeatured
Can we go ahead and agree that “speed clean” can encompass any tidying project done pretty quickly- and with maximum wonderfulness? Even a chalkboard paint one? Yes?
Okay, good.
This chalkboard wall is easily one of my favorite projects of all time.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Large, cheap frames (thrift store artwork is great for this one!)
- Spray paint, any color you like
- Chalkboard paint (we love Rust-Oleum, and the 30oz can is plenty)
- Medium-sized painbrush
- Paint roller
- Paint tray
- Dropcloth
- Level
- Pencil
- Drill
- Drywall screws
Here’s what to do:
Wipe down the wall you want to turn into a stunning new chalkboard gallery. Let dry.
Pop the backs out of the artwork or photo frames- you only need the frames, not the backing or glass. Take ’em outside and spray them whatever color your room begs for. (I can’t resist gold.) Let dry for at least an hour. Spray ’em again.
Using the level, hang the frames however you’d like. Trace the inside of each frame opening with a pencil and then remove frames. (Sorry I didn’t get a pic of this one- there were randomly six kids at my house this morning and I was awfully proud that everyone was dressed and fed by this point.) Rough out a chalkboard paint outline with the paintbrush- this is a superbly forgiving step, so don’t beat yourself up if it’s not perfect. (She tells herself again and again.)
Using the paint roller, fill in the shapes. Let dry. Do it again. Still not as thick as you’d like? Do it again!
And there you have it, from cheapo frames to finished chalkboard wall, just perfect for artwork, inspirational messages, and a polite request or two for guacamole the next time someone runs to the store.