Take a good look at your home- 3 different ways!featured
Disclosure: Today’s post is sponsored by Canary– a home security device designed for the way you really live- (and look!) and, although I’m compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and videos of kittens are entirely my own.
Look- really look- at your home.
That’s today’s task, friends! Sounds simple (and it is). But it also sounds tricky (…and it is).
You’ve all heard of avoidance, right? Well, it extends to homes as well. If something’s bothering us and we don’t fix it within a reasonable amount of time, our brains honest-to-gosh would rather pretend they can’t see it anymore.
We are all of us goldfish.
But not today!
Today we are fully realized human beings with keys on chains and artwork on walls and drinks on back porches (once we paint that nicked part of the door and fill in that nail hole and tighten that leg on the chair). Let’s begin.
This is one of those “low output, high impact” situations. (That’s why we’re starting with it.) Go from room to room and really, really look around. Make a note of 3-5 things to fix– stuff that you’d notice if you were going to buy the joint. (And, while you may find more than 3, 4, or 5 things to touch up, start small. Try to save some excitement for another day, peeps.)
Look for:
- Nail/screw holes in the wall
- Door frames that need touching up
- Wall scuffs
- Cords that need tucking away/securing along baseboards
- That one lightbulb that’s been out for, like, two weeks
- Drawer pulls that need tightening
- (And I bet your mind just went to a specific spot that needs a minor fix, amiright?)
Gather your paint samples, edged brushes, tiny jars of spackle, sandpaper squares, double-sided tape, and cordless drill. In less than an hour you’ll be full of pride over smallish tasks which, yes, sure, few people will ever come out and say they notice, but YOU will. (And when I come over, I will too. Promise.)
Hey! Great job fixing your home! (It looks awesome.) Did you happen to notice anything as you wandered those rooms, looking for things to troubleshoot?
Let’s go through ’em again, this time with three small bags.
This time, look for:
- Things that don’t go there (if you have kids, you’ve had a toothbrush in your kitchen at one point or another)
- Stuff that needs to leave (overdue library books/clothes you’ve been meaning to donate/toys that, really, would better serve someone else)
- Trash. I’m talking fliers and half-finished art projects and menus and- wait- why would someone just leave an empty bag of tortilla chips on the living room bookshelf?
Fill those three bags with everything you find as you wander from room to room. When you’re done, return the contents of the first bag to their proper places; you know what to do with the other two bags. (And guys? This can become a rabbit hole superbly fast. Don’t do a deep declutter/trash session today. This time around, just stand in the middle of each room and look at the surfaces. We’re going for instant gratification, here.
Our final task on our checklist of really looking at our stuff comes courtesy of Canary, a company who really wants you to look at your stuff. So what is Canary? Flexible, streaming, home security- that also happens to be really, really cool.
Here’s why we love it, bordering on crush-worthy swooning:
- There’s zero installation. Set your Canary device on a surface, add it to your wifi, and you’re good to go.
- It’s wholly customizable. You can set hours of recording for when you’re away, asleep, check on things in real time, or turn it off entirely. (If it’s still in early morning/night mode, my kids like to play a game called “who ever wakes up first gets to stare into the Canary and say GOOD MORNING MAMAAAAA” so it’s the first thing I see when I check the night’s feed. Worth every penny, right there.)
- When we travel, we can ensure that the cats haven’t killed each other.
- One can be used as a standalone near your home’s highest traffic area, but multiple can be added on as needed. We’re cool with one right now, but maybe someday, when teenagers try to sneak in or out…? Smile for the camera! (I would never do that/I would totally do that.)
- The feeds go directly to your iPhone, Android, or Apple Watch (and you can include other phones, too)! From your smartphone you have the ability to play back footage, call emergency numbers, speak through the microphone, and even set off a 90 decibel siren.
- The home screen shows you hourly reports on your home’s temperature, moisture level, and even air quality.
- With your Canary device, the basics are wholly free– the ability to watch in real time, video playback for 24 hours, and access to First Responders- but membership has some pretty spiffy perks, too! (Think: 30-day video history, 2-way Canary Talk, desktop streaming, and Incident Support Services.)
- Through April 1st, you can save $20 on Canary and Canary Flex devices! (Use code: Bunny20)
Your home is your nest.
But it’s also your castle. (Think of it as a nest/castle hybrid.)
And to help you cull out the clutter-feathers and twigs which may have fallen into disrepair, check out today’s Speed Clean! (I hadn’t intended it to be solely sanding, spackling, and touching-up with paint, but after the sheer number of spots showed up during my walkthrough…Sheesh.)
Get de-feathering!
(And comment below!)