5 mason jar ideas for Father’s Day (that your Dad will actually like)

5 mason jar ideas for Father’s Day (that your Dad will actually like)featured

Let’s be frank: the mason jar is the most manly of vessels. It’s true. The mere act of reaching for a mason jar seems to proclaim “Hey, I needed something to hold this liquid- it was either this or a bucket- and the bucket’s got my home brew in it.”

And while the mason jar’s prowess with, you know, actual canning is undeniable, you can up your Father’s Day game by providing the most rugged, least pastel storage options for the Dad in your life- from tool bench to spice rack.

5 mason jar ideas

5 mason jar organizing ideas for Father’s Day

(…that your Dad will actually like)

Mason jars for workshop storage. I absolutely love to attach the lids under a shelf and line ’em up like little soldiers (either with a drill or by fastening a magnetic strip on the underside), but keeping them accessible and free on a workshop table also jives (especially if, say, the Dad in question currently uses a Dunkin’ Donuts disposable coffee cup to hold various sizes of nails). Ahem.

Gardening is one of the Daddest activities there is. Help him kickstart his summer herb garden with mason jar herbs– in lieu of drainage holes, make sure to line the bottom of each jar with a couple of pebble layers. Then, add potting soil, seeds, and two green thumbs way up.

Battery holders. Yep, you could keep them in the cardboard boxes they come in until it’s time to rummage around for one, or you could have these clear powerhouses show you exactly how much of each size is left at a glance. Bonus: Keep one for one needing recycling, too!

Got a Dad in your life who wears the chef hat with pride? Mason jars make awesome ingredient holders, especially with staples like rice, almonds, quinoa, etc. And the tiniest sizes are perfect for spices– and stacking said spices. Just don’t call them cute. (My Dad used to remind me of two masculine factoids: One, nothing a guy does is “cute,” and two…stop calling them “outfits.”)

Have any extra jars at the end of the day? Build the guy an ice cream sundae in one– and keep it in the freezer until the timing’s right.

Which, technically, is all day long.

(Happy Father’s Day!)

5 mason jar ideas for Father's Day- from Tidyish!

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