Surplus of sheets? 12 creative ways to use them at homefeatured
So you have a whole bunch of sheets that no longer enjoy A List status on your mattress? You’re in luck: There’s also a whole bunch of creativity you can mine from all that thread count. (Thanks to reader Jamie B. of Chicago for posing this very dilemma- I told her I’d cheerfully be on the [pillow]case! …I made zero promises about remaining pun-free.)
Extra sheets? Turn ’em into:
1) The world’s most perfect blanket fort/performance space material- Speaking as a former nap-happy, showy kind of kid, fancily patterned sheets make the most glamorous abodes and stage dressing. (Bonus: Maybe they’ll start leaving the blankets on their darned beds, now.)
2) A lightweight picnic blanket- Think about how much smaller a quadruple-folded sheet is as opposed to a honkin’ quilt or lined blanket. Like, “backpack” amounts smaller. And if it gets wine stains on it from a bit too much concert dancing? Still totally a-ok.
3) Cut-up rags for uniformly sized cleaning supplies- Oh, you say, you already have a big stack of overused rags? Toss ’em out. Think of this as a slight upgrade. What, is it your birthday?
4) DIY fabric wrapping “paper”- Prettily patterned fabric squares tied up with some soft ribbons pretty much scream “Anthropologie showroom” to me. (Just kidding. You’re not allowed to shout in an Anthropologie showroom.)
5) Compost- I’m not just being a hippie, here. Shred anything made from a natural fiber and add it to soil or a compost bin. A great list of what’s biodegradable- and what absolutely isn’t- can be found here!
6) Heating pad rice bags- As someone who is borderline obsessed with these, I think they’d make excellent holiday gifts. (And wrap ’em up in fabric paper!) Sew a small rectangle on two ends, stuff with rice or beans- or both, if you’re feelin’ Tex Mex- sew up the last side, and voilà: Lovely li’l pouches of self-care.
7) Drop cloths- Kind of self-explanatory, but let’s have a show of hands for peeps who have been reusing a crumply, paint-stained plastic one that they got from Home Depot about a decade ago. (….*raises hand*)
8) Shopping bags- How’s that for green? Make your own reusable shopping bags. Man, what can’t YouTube teach us?
9) Mod Podge’d furniture design- This is absolutely something I’d do with an alley-find dresser. Small rectangles of gorgeous patterns = an instantly stunning nursery. How cute is this project?
10) Supremely soft cloth napkins- Good at stitching a straight seam four times? That’s legit all this would take.
11) The coziest of rag rugs- This one’s more of a longer term project, but if you have a few sheets ready to toss, turn as much as possible of ’em into strips and create some textiles.
12) Donations- When in doubt (and out of time), donate! If they’re still in good (i.e. non-ripped) condition, party on.
Any sheets solutions you’d add?
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