Chameleon Fineliners are note-passing-worthy, regardless of agefeatured
If I could doodle on a blog post, I totally would. Thanks to the good folks who make the Chameleon Fineliners for bringing us today’s review! (Hey, wanna be one of the “good folks who make the Chameleon Fineliners, too? Help this rad company via their Kickstarter!) Although I’ve been compensated, all thoughts, opinions, and tri-color ponies are entirely my own.
Friends, I am a champion doodler.
I’ve been this way since my Lisa Frank-happy days of TrapperKeeper unicorn sketches…and I’m showing no signs of slowing down into my *cough* late 30s. (If I had a knee poking through the rip in my stone-washed jeans at preschool pickup, you bet your pink pacifier I’d be jotting something profound in bubble lettering on it.)
To that end, I am very excited to be playing with the new Chameleon Fineliners and their multitude of mixy-matchy color options.
So many of my clients are currently either living that Bullet Journal life…or feeling a tad intimidated about how to get started. Guys, these Chameleon Fineliners are PERFECT for your bullet- and other- journaling needs.

Lemme break it down:
These teensies are fine point. How fine point? Like, Japanese precision 0.3mm metal clad tip. Like, you could draw a tattoo on your best friend during study hall and her Mama would think it was real. (#Nirvana4Eva)
Even though the ink flows smoothly and freely, it won’t bleed through most papers. (Because it’s hard to look like an adult when you’re taking project notes and your recent penning of a narwhal shows through a page. Even if you’re not sorry about it.)
But my biggest reason to be enamored of these rainbow beauties? They’ve got a patented dual ink system, meaning there’s ink in the pens as well as the caps. What does that mean for you? Oh, it means you can stick a blue pen into purple cap (and hold it there for a few seconds) and then write a lavender-hued love note…which will automatically flow back into its normal blue after a line or two making you look like a wizard (in love).
There’s no end to the designs and lists you can make more beautiful with these pens. I personally find that it’s way more fun to stay on track with paper lists and journals when I use satisfying writing implements. (People either get what you mean when you say “satisfying writing implements” or they don’t. Know how to look for your people, people.)
And best yet? Even if you fall off the BuJo wagon…
…You’ve got resources to ensure your grocery lists will be the cutest things that checkout boy has ever seen.