Fake it ’til you make it: Household Scents Edition

Fake it ’til you make it: Household Scents Editionfeatured

Everyone knows that scents are a game-changer. (The olfactory function is the one closest related to emotion and memory, after all!) And sometimes- just sometimes- when your get up and go has taken a hike, the right household smells can get you back on track.


Take a breather (and get out the bad scents)

Unless you live next to a slaughterhouse (and, follow-up question: Why? Were there low condo fees?), opening up a few windows brings a very necessary breath of fresh air into the house. Yes, even in the winter. Yes, just for five minutes. Yes, put on a sweater.

Not just for waking up!

For super-duper lingering odors, a small bowl of used coffee grounds can’t be beat. (Also, it means that you’ve recently made coffee- another one of those magical scents- so you’re probably decently awake as well!) Place these at the bottom of closets, tucked away on a counter, or even briefly by that shoe pile that you can’t even tell me you don’t have. Glorious, glorious coffee sucks away bad odors within a few hours- doesn’t that deserve another cuppa?

Simmer down

When I was a little kid, my Mom would simmer a pot of water, cinnamon, and a few cloves on the stovetop for a few hours at a time. Just ’cause. And it was among the most homey scents that a little kid could’ve imagined; and it makes Grownup Me wonder if maybe someone’s stopped by to bake in my kitchen. (Unlikely, but a very cheering thought.)

Like salad dressing, but…

For a double whammy, mix equal parts white vinegar and water, and add a dozen drops of your favorite essential oils. Shake it up, spritz it everywhere, and enjoy the fact that everything is disinfected and nice-smelling. (Vinegar evaporates without a trace, leaving only the scents of the oils, but can safely be sprayed on countertops and couch cushions alike. Win!)

No scurvy, either!

Lemons are downright amazing. For freshness in the kitchen, start by sending parts of a lemon (or clementine peels!) down the sink disposal if you have one. If not, wiping down the sink with lemon juice will help it sparkle and smell citrusy. Another hidden source of odors? Cutting boards! (Looking at you, onions.) Take half a lemon and scrub down boards- for extra scrubbing wonderfulness, put a little coarse salt on the board first and then have it.

And lookie there, you’re halfway to a tequila shot.

Go ahead, enjoy your- ahem- beverage of choice. You’ve earned it.

Because doesn’t your home smell awesome?

What’s your favorite way to fake a clean home?

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Fake it 'til you make it: Household Scents Edition (from Tidyish!)



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